3 great movies for Indonesian learners

Here is the list of Indonesian movies that have been most helpful to me in learning casual Indonesian.

I recommend you watch them using Indonesian subtitles.1 On to the list!

1 - Love for sale (2008)

Love for sale

An extraordinary movie. The main character is a single man hopeless to get a girlfriend. One day, he discovers a mobile app offering long-term girlfriend "rental services". Tinder, except love is guaranteed®.

The girlfriend appears the next day and becomes an essential part of his family and work life.

Check it out on IMDB or Netflix - and if you liked the first one, Check out Love for Sale 2! (IMDB, Netflix).

2 - Cek Toko Sebelah (2016)

Love for sale

As he nears retirement, the main character hopes his son can take over the family Warung. The son doesn't see it this way — his definition of success is a corner office at a multinational company.

This film (IMDB) is a great story of the conflict between family tradition and modern ambitions. A great father-son love story, too. It's not on Netflix so get ready for a good dose of googling through dodgy streaming sites! The series version is also great, and that one is on Netflix: I highly recommend it!

3 - Quickie Express (2007)

Love for sale

Jojo, a young man from Jakarta ends up working as Escort guy. I haven't watched this one yet but heard it was great comedy, so it made the list!

Also not on Netflix, sorry!

That's all folks for a first short list of Indonesian movies. If you have anymore recommendations, hit me up on Twitter!

Bonus tip: click here to view all of the movies in the "Indonesian movies" category on Netflix. Handy.

  1. Studies prove that watching movies with foreign language subtitles is more effective to retain the language (albeit less effective to retain the plot -but that’s not our goal, is it? 😇 )