Why learn Indonesian, out of all languages?

My interest spurred from my wife, who's Indonesian. I decided to start learning her language out of pure curiosity, and then realized it has all kinds of benefits:

  • I understand much more about the Indonesian culture than I used to! I can now watch Indonesian YouTubers and movies!
  • Indonesians aren't forced to switch languages when I'm around. Dinner parties are more engaging.
  • When or if we have children, I won't fear to be left out of conversations with our bilingual child
  • Bonus: my wife and I now have a "secret" language we can use in public situations — from negotiating the price of a persian rug to talking career development on a busy Dublin bus!

Why record all the words you learn this way?

This site is a forcing function to remember what I've learned. Each word I record also gets emailed to me before I go to bed, creating a passive learning loop.

But really, why?

This website? Fair point — I could have used a notebook or flashcards. The thing is, I love tinkering with technology. This website is a great excuse to improve my coding skills (or pretend I have any). I've already learned so much just spinning up the front page!
